Sunday, June 13, 2010

Mancora: Day 2 Continued--A Wild Adventure

So, for the ATV story. We rented an ATV and a 3-seater car with 4-wheel drive and headed out into the desert. It's technically a dry forest. Marcio was the driver of the ATV and Gillian volunteered to co-pilot. Marcio got the hang of it and took off, driving through Mancora and dodging mototaxis. It involved turning into traffic and I was terrified, but Marcio no...Mariana decided to learn to drive too and drove the car. Luis and I had 2 kid drivers and really didn't know where to look or how hard to pray. The destination was a site with black mud baths where you sit in the warm water and rub black mud on the parts of your body you want to be rejuvenated. Lovely stuff...stinks but it works. We all had smooth skin. On our way back, Renaldo had us ford a river that seemed too deep but he insisted we could make it. Marcio and I did on the ATV; we were wet but safe. Mariana got the car stuck in the middle of the river. We did get it out but could never start it again. Reynaldo hiked up a hill to get a phone signal so we could call for help. His friend came, Mariana and I got a ride from a Peruvian family, Marcio and Gillian rode the ATV back, we got dropped off in town and walked back to the hotel, Luis showed up later on another ATV and we all took showers to wash the mud and dust off.

What a wild day: surfing, ATV's, sunburns, stories to remember for a long time. I think Marcio wanted to drive some more. It was a least 2 hours on the ATV and he has us looking for another place to do it. This is Marcio during dinner at the end of our wild adventure. Surfing photos to come.

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