Sunday, October 10, 2010

Windrush Farm Fiber Fest

Love this car!!

I drove up to Petaluma with Laurie and the top down on the Mustang..  It was a beautiful warm fall day.  Linda has been doing spinning and dying with the women who run this farm.  It's full of sheep, llama, alpaca and goats.

The mosaic name plate for the farm

We took so many photos of the animals.  The women sheer the animals, spin, and dye the yarn. 
Isn't he beatiful!!  He's an alpaca:  shorter nose/muzzle and ears that drop down.

This is a llama-the ears are the give-away

This guy has been harvested!!  Shaved completely

Three were dye and felting demos and beautiful yarns an fleece (roving-it needs to be spun into yarn.

This is the roving

A table full of different colored roving

This green is incredible.  All the dyes are natural:  Plants, nuts, flowers
This is what it looks like before anything is done...just from the sherring
I bought a bit of roving to make felted beads.

This is the barn where the women hold their classes
There  was also a weaving demo.  They use yarn and roving to weave with

This beautiful alpaca was so cute and very naked.
It was so wonderful to see all this going on only 45 minutes from San Francisco.  I love how close everything is in the Bay Area.  You can get out in the country so easily....

1 comment:

  1. Hello,
    Thank you for popping by my blog and leaving a sweet comment. You asked where I got the yarn for my Caller Herrin hat. I purchased it online here:

    I highly recommend this company. Their products and customer service are excellent.

    Happy knitting,

