Monday, June 3, 2013

Singapore-day 6

This was a low key day...we went back to the mosque so that we could go inside before prayers.  This is a mosque that accepts visitors, even non-believers, and is used to them.  The only requirements were to take off our shoes and wear proper clothing-a sarong is fine for women. They do have robes to put on, but we had brought sarongs.

Inside is a huge prayer hall-of course we could not enter there (or upstairs to the women's prayer hall either.  They were concerned about Mom's walker since it had been outside and who knows where but they did allow us to bring it in provided we stayed on the tiles and did not have it touch the rugs. This must also be why you have to remove your shoes...since you could have been walking anywhere'

This photo shows the size of the's really big-they do have it roped off so no one goes in.  Even men who have washed and want to come in and pray seemed to come in on the sides.

Not a very good shot off the alter in the front of the hall.  I am still getting used to the new camera and lighting and blurring are sometimes a can see the blurring of the photo below of the speaking platform used by the Imam.

Above is the men's washing area and then they can use the side entrance of the mosque.
Here is the women's washing area...they also come in through their side entrance. 

In the evening we went to Orchard Road, and incredible upscale shopping road (Beverly Hills??); it should be seen but it's huge and very opulent.  We went to visit a great Japanese bookstore-Kinokuniya-to look for local  maps and local mysteries.  We ended up eating there; unlike the US, mall food is very good.  There are good restaurants and food courts. People do hang out in malls.  It's free air conditioning and so much cooler than outside.   We have eaten a couple of meals that way.

Here is only one mall building...there are many and it really shows how much money is in Singapore.  

This is the bookstore-it is huge and has many different sections.

On to Bali tomorrow.

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