Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Flight to Puerto Maldonado and an Ode to Jungle Clouds

I haven't had a chance to post these photos and although it's well after the fact, I couldn't resist.  When we flew to Puerto Maldonado and the southern Amazon basin, we flew over some beautiful mountains.  We landed in Cusco and then went on to Puerto Maldonado.  It was hard not to get off the plane, but we knew we'd be back in a few days.  Here are some wonderful views from the plane.

After we landed on Puerto Maldonado, we took a bus to the river and our boat trip to the lodge on the Madre de Dios river.  I took a photo of a bridge they are building.  It will be done in a few months-they are sure of it.  In the meantime, here is a Peruvian ferry to the  other side of the river.

The partially finished bridge across the Madre de Dios River

This is a motorcycle, but cars go this way too
Makes the Washington State ferry system look pretty good!!

Now for my Ode to Clouds on the Madre de Dios River.  I took so many shots of the sunset.  I've posted about the sunset already and added a photo of Luis and I, but I was so impressed by these clouds that I am just going to post them all.  Enjoy!!

Not watercolors, they really looked like this

These make me think of Turner watercolors
I have always wanted a wall full of Turners in my house
Maybe these will do

More brush strokes

We were hot and sweaty and had just seen a bunch of monkeys (see my other post), but then we walked along the sand and just looked in wonder at this sunset.  It is one of the moments on the trip where I really just breathed.  No "let's keep moving, let's see more, let's find some food, let's see it all."  Just breathing in and out and feeling thankful to have been able to see this sky.  We couldn't see any sunsets on the Amazon, (in the north in Iquitos) ; it was rainy and cloudy.   We all complained a lot about the heat and sweat and discomfort of bugs and the fact that we had just been to the jungle and here was some more sweaty scenery. ...when I think of my complaints and how crappy the lodge was in many ways, I close my eyes and see this evening.  My friend, Nikki spent a week here a few years ago,  During our hike when I got back, we talked about this and she said her time here was one of the most amazing experiences of her life.  The wildlife is amazing and it is so incredibly beautiful, but she says she never needs to go back here.  I get that.  I'm done with the Amazon.  But, then I remember this.

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